I was walking the streets with a dog. My dog kept changing sizes in this dream, and I think it was a large lab or german shepherd at this point. I seemed to be a new owner and was still trying to get a handle on keeping my pup out of trouble. It was dark out but there were street lights. I walked under a red awning and there were people sitting at wooden picnic tables. There were flower beds surrounding the seating area that my dog kept sniffing at. There were a couple of people I was talking to, and a nondescript guy there that I thought was attractive.
Next, I was in a hotel or high end resort. It looked fancy and clean. I walked in with my dog (the dog was now small and dark grey with a pink belly). I realized the dog would probably need to pee because apparently we’d been traveling. I hoped it would be able to last for a moment longer. I saw big glass doors with a green backyard ahead of me. I tried to take my dog outside to pee, but was stopped by hotel staff who told me I had to sign in first, or attend a meeting. So I went and met with the hotel people to sign something in order to get a room (even though I didn’t want to stay there). Sure enough, the dog started to dribble pee in the middle of the conversation so I picked it up and had to rush outside abruptly, which they allowed me to do of course.
Outside, I was in a pool. I was sitting in shallow water. It was sort of like a hot tub, but a long, shaded, rectangular design. There was an awning overhead made of cement, bringing a cave-like quality to the setup. I guess I decided to start peeing in the pool. There was a young, somewhat overweight blonde kid with a buzzcut sitting to the left of me, and his mother was sitting to the left of him. I think she was wearing a sun hat. I felt I was being discreet since we were all sitting in water, but it somehow made a very loud tinkling noise almost like the sound of a loud bell. The boy then asked his mom “She’s peeing!?” Embarassed, I looked down at my hands. I was holding an egg-shaped device of some sort. The egg was cut in half the long way and I was looking into into the hollow side of it. It looked like some kind of advanced technology. It was white and smooth on the outside, grey on the inside. There was a dim, pink point of light on the inside. I was just plain mesmerized by it and a close-up of that light overcame my vision.
Next, I was indoors again and sitting at a table to eat. I was shmoozing with people in a cafeteria setting, back in the hotel/resort. The guy I thought was attractive was there too, but he was hitting it off with another girl. I saw two girls from a back room walk past my table and I knew they worked in the kitchen. As they passed by, I made a pouty face. They saw the pout and said “then, why don’t you come work with us?” And I asked them, “what kind of work do you do?” They said, “oh we make the food” and listed some items they made there, like tacos. One girl was a blonde with dark rimmed glasses and a nice body. She was wearing a white tee and seemed confident and friendly. The other girl was nondescript. A part of me really wanted to work with them. I felt inner conflict. Another part of me was thinking “I don’t feel like working”. I politely refused and they walked away. I wasn’t sure if I made the right decision. It would have been nice to hang out and make food with them.