Dreamt I had a parasite. It looked like a long, thin piece of rice noodle and it was coming out of my uhm, rear end. Had the feeling I'd seen that thing before (maybe in another dream?) In the dream, I also had to play Cello for people. There were folks handling my metal work (the vertebrae pieces) in an obsessive way. My husband and I ended up having to sleep somewhere else because I had the parasite. A past coworker also had the parasite, and a few of us ended up defeating it in the end. It would come out of me for air once in a while. When it took a breath, I could pull it out of me if I tried. While it wasn’t coming up for air, it would grip on and it felt like it was attached to my insides. When it took its next breath, I gripped and pulled out the "noodle". It came out and was immediately embodied as a monster with gills, like the creature from the Black Lagoon. I had grabbed a wood saw and handed it to a friend (I think it was someone I went to high school with?) and she beheaded it.
11/29/23 Parasite